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Keep Your Kids’ Teeth Clean – Importance of Establishing Childhood Dental Hygiene Habits

20% of children experience a cavity between the ages of 5 to 11, which makes finding a children's dentist in Winnipeg crucial. Your children should be taught the importance of practicing good oral health early on in life.

If you're searching for some reasons why good habits are essential during childhood, then you've come to the right place. Below you're going to find all of the information that you need so you can teach your children about their oral health.


Prevent Disease

One of the main reasons you want to teach your children about proper dental hygiene is to ensure that they don't have gum and tooth disease issues in the future. When teeth aren't taken care of properly, it can lead to issues like cavities and gingivitis.

Your children should brush their teeth twice daily to remove all leftover food particles from their mouths. Remaining food particles can remain between teeth and slowly erode the tooth enamel layer that protects teeth from decay.

How Do Cavities Form and Why Treat Them?

Cavities form when the plaque and food are not cleaned from the surfaces of teeth and bacteria consumes the food to make acid. If the plaque is not removed from the teeth surfaces by regular brushing, the enamel of the teeth can erode and wear out leading to cavities.

You may be wondering why you would need to treat a cavity if your child is going to lose the tooth anyway?

If a cavity is left untreated, your child may begin to experience challenges eating because of the pain they feel in their teeth. Also, cavities left untreated can lead to tooth and jaw infections that can affect the health of the permanent teeth that will take the place of their baby teeth.

One such infection that could occur is cellulitis, and this infection can be life-threatening, requiring immediate hospitalization. Therefore, it's best if your child has a cavity to have it treated as soon as possible.

Baby Teeth Are Important

The way that you take care of your child's baby teeth can affect future teeth that take the place of their baby teeth. Your child will begin getting their teeth around 6-8 months, and then by the time they've reached the age of three, they'll have a full set of teeth.

Even before your child has begun to sprout teeth, you should take a small gentle brush and wipe off their gums. This will ensure that no milk residue is left behind and provides a clean space for teeth to begin growing.

Brushing early also helps your child become used to having their teeth brushed.

Healthy Adult Teeth

Helping your children avoid bad habits when it comes to their oral hygiene will ensure that their adult teeth are healthy. When you take care of your teeth, the ones that loosen and fall out will be replaced by larger permanent teeth.

If you've got issues with your baby teeth, they can affect teeth that grow in after them.

Good Oral Hygiene Throughout Life

When you teach your children about using proper oral hygiene techniques, it's something that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. Even when they've grown up and moved away from home, they'll still remember everything that you taught them about dental hygiene habits.

Hopefully, the tips that you've taught them will be passed on from them to their children and so on.

Finding a Children's Dentist in Winnipeg

Teaching your child good oral hygiene habits will help you avoid dental issues as they continue to grow. If you're in search of a children's dentist in Winnipeg book an appointment with us today.

At Integral Dental, Pearl Dental and Ellice Dental, we have dentists that are experienced and can help your child learn ways to care for their teeth. Please fill out your new patient forms before your visit or call us and let's work together to keep your child smiling brightly.

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